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Commonly used diodes and markings

Schottky Diodes

    Schottky diodes Schottky (Schottky) diodes, also known as Schottky barrier diodes (SBD for short), which is a kind of low-power, ultra-high-speed semiconductor devices. The most notable feature is the reverse recovery time is very short (can be as small as a few nanoseconds), forward conduction voltage drop of only 0.4V or so. It is mostly used as high-frequency, low-voltage, high-current rectifier diodes, current diodes, protection diodes, but also used in microwave communications circuits such as rectifier diodes, small-signal detector diode use. In the communication power supply, inverter is more common.



Varactor Diodes

Variable capacitance diode, also known as "variable reactance diode", is the use of pN junction reverse bias junction capacitance size with the applied voltage and the characteristics of the made. When the reverse bias voltage increases, the junction capacitance decreases, and vice versa, the junction capacitance increases, the capacitance of the varactor diode is generally small, the maximum value of tens of picofarads to hundreds of picofarads, the maximum area capacitance and minimum capacitance ratio is about 5:1. it is mainly used as an auto-tuning, frequency tuning, phase adjustment, etc. in high frequency circuits.


Voltage regulator diode

Voltage regulator diodes use the pn junction reverse breakdown state, the current can be changed in a wide range and the voltage is basically unchanged phenomenon, made to play a role in regulating the diode.



Common Diode

Ordinary diode diode is one of the most commonly used electronic components, its biggest characteristic is unidirectional conductivity, that is, the current can only flow from the diode in one direction, the diode's role in rectifier circuits, detector circuits, voltage regulator circuits, a variety of modulation circuits.



Tunnel Diode

Tunnel diodes, also known as Ezaki diodes, are crystal diodes in which the tunnel effect current is the main current component. Its advantages are good switching characteristics, fast speed, high operating frequency, mostly used in certain switching circuits or high-frequency oscillation and other circuits.



Light-emitting diode

  Light-emitting diodes can radiate visible light when electrons and holes are compounded, and thus can be used to make light-emitting diodes.



Infrared receiver diode

Infrared receiver diodes are also called infrared photodiodes





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